Sunday, 7 September 2014

Type without Keyboard

The undoubted convenience of carrying a tablet is sometimes offset by the impractically of having to use the keyboard on the touch screen, rather than physical keyboard which one is most familiar with desktops and laptops. We have typing the same way for almost 150 years. A new portable device that translates finger movements into readable type can bring the keyboard free typing closer.

Airtype is a set of cuff-like devices that attach to your hands and makes the letters you want by learning your finger movements. This is a wireless keyboard that reinvents how we interact with tablet or other mobile device. For this, the device uses two Bluetooth wrap around the hand. One paired with the device, each gadget picks up finger movements before bringing them letters on the screen of the mobile. Airtype learns the typing habits of the user to provide a custom keyboard. No need for keys, simply tap on a surface for the necessary recognizes the letter or the key in question. The straps can be attached to the device or stored in pocket for easy transport.

The project is under development and for now, only prototype is available. The startup Texan has created “keyboardless keyboard.” One can check the video of the product by clicking on Airtype website link ( The slogan on the website claims, “There is no need to learn Airtype, he will learn from you.” One can therefore assume that the device is able to learn to read the most of the movements of the hands of the people using it, to allow a more precise writing and with fewer errors.
It is a very interesting and new concept. However, the bad news is that at for the moment, Airtype still seems to be the level of concept rather than a product actually constructed and operating. It gives a potential that the solution like this could have for those who use tablets and smartphones to write. The product will keep an eye on what could be a great innovation.

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